Monday, September 24, 2012


Many times the people think when they do a request to God is enough to receive something from Him, just ask and keep in dependence of third people or waiting the blessing coming down from heaven.

My friend, for you receive something from God, firstly you need to do your part, of course God is Almighty, however to move His hand in your favor, first need to take attitudes.
God wasn’t who did David, wasn’t God who did Abraham, neither Moses, was themselves trough their attitudes who did the difference in their days, obviously God’s hand was with them. Note, the history had many personages who had success but only a few are really reminded, in fact are taken as reference, because what they did.
God’s hand will not be moved by itself, neither because you ask daily, or because you simply believe, you are who will cause this reaction, is something that Himself determined, who GIVE, RECEIVE… who SOW, REAP, are immutable laws.
In fact the men of the past were and will continue being references, not only because God was with them but because they confronted the problem, know that if you are not an attitudes person will live frustrated and disappointed of the life because I guarantee you, like this you will not see nothing different.
Don’t be waiting that your life change, it will not change by itself, neither because of the prayer of third persons or the favor of someone, your life will change really when you take attitudes which direct you to that changes obviously supported in the Word of God.
It’s written: “But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without works, and I will show you faith from my works.” (James 2:18)
Those who take attitudes make the difference!

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