For instance, you dream of starting your own business but, whilst you’re still planning, the killer swings into action.
Doubts seem to come from every side. “Is it going to work? Will the business succeed? You can lose even the little you have.” And, discouraging thoughts too, such as: “You
are not capable; you were born to be a failure; you can’t do it; you will lose everything you have.”
You dream of getting married, but the killer tries to convince you that you are too old; that no one will want you because you have too many children; that men are all the same.
He carries on destroying all your dreams and, after a while, you look at your life and all you see is a defeated person, who doesn’t even dream anymore. And then there are the strong dreamers – the conquerors – who fight against the invisible enemy using positive energy. When the enemy tries to intimidate them, they resist him!
When the killer says,“You will not make it. You are not capable. It’s not going to work,” the conqueror replies, “Who said I can’t? I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!” He says, “For it is God who works in [me] both to willand to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13).
Every time the killer tries to destroy his dreams, the conqueror overcomes him in furious combat.
The strong ones resist the enemy and go ahead fearlessly, because they know that He who is with them is powerful to help them realise any dream.
For this reason, they are always ready to sacrifice whatever is necessary in order to materialise their dreams. The killer is no match for them!
And, best of all, after a while, when the dreamer looks at his life, he realises that all his dreams have come true – and many times, beyond his expectations.
Now, I ask you: “Who are you in this battle against the killer of dreams?”
Bishop Celso Junior
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